Sunday, August 21, 2011

I forgot...

Just how much I love to kneed bread dough.

It's been YEARS since I have made a batch of dough by hand.

So tonight I took the wooden spoon in hand.

Grabbed a large mixing bowl and got started.

I used a recipe I found online because the only books I have that are bread dough recipes are for the bread machine that I no longer own. I used this recipe and modified it slightly, I added ground flax seed powder, and whole wheat bread as well as allowing the yeast to proof before mixing the dough. I mixed half the flour in slowly then added the second half and the flax seed powder. I also used coconut oil for the oil and honey in one loaf and sugar in the other.

I just made a whole wheat loaf. I used my great grandmothers loaf pan that is really long super tall and heavy duty! This thing is the size of a long store bought loaf of bread. It is maybe the size of those wonder bread loafs. You know that pasty white bread that some people love? Personally I can not stand the stuff. The only "white" bread I like at all happens to be potato bread, which really isn't white but is more of an eggy yellow color.

I also made 18 buns. 18 buns to go with tomorrow nights dinner...

Drum Roll Please....

Barbecue Beef Sandwiches. A whole lot like pulled pork but I never eat pork, it upsets my stomach so severely that it is not worth the effort. We will also be having home made coleslaw and watermelon sorbet for desert.

Speaking of pork products I recently discovered something that has thrilled me! The one thing I have missed more then anything when I gave up pork was bacon. I mean really good crispy smokey bacon. I have tried every turkey bacon there is and they all taste bad. They either do not crisp up or they are just so fake tasting that I can not fake my way into eating it. But I was at the dreaded box store recently and I discovered ...
BEEF bacon! That's right. Bacon that is made from beef. It does not get quite as crispy as pork bacon does but the flavor is superb and the smell is o so divine! I found this review that gives a good bit of info on it, as well as a picture of the exact brand I bought.

(we wont talk about how long it took me to upload that photo!)

Anyway back to the bread, since I just took the buns out of the oven and they smell heavenly...

Do any of you bake bread? Kneed it by hand?
I was so excited with how good it felt that I just knew I had to make a second batch! I will be making as many more batches as I can in the coming weeks. If I can freeze dough then I wont feel obligated to buy bread if I get tired of making it. Plus I could pull a loaf of dough out of the freezer at night pop it in the oven early in the morning and then bake it and have fresh bread each day to eat.

I wonder why so many women found it so challenging to bake a loaf of bread for their family each day? It isn't that challenging nor time consuming. The hardest part is waiting for it to raise to bake it which is why freezing the dough is perfect. I think tomorrow when I make a batch of dough I will also make some cinnamon rolls... They are a sinful treat that I have not had in years because I simply could not bring myself to eat the kind that are made from a can. I smell them and they smell wonderful but O how disappointing they are.

So until next time folks, Have a fantastic
Wherever you are!

1 comment:

  1. Because of my allergy to soy oil, I found that for several years, my homemade bread was the only kind I could eat. I did use a bread machine, though. But many years ago, I used to make Challah on holidays, and my daughter continues the tradition.

    My husband and I have recently started the "Eat to Live" (Joel Fuhrman) way of eating, which has a lot of emphasis on fruits and vegetables, and a reduction in carbs like bread. We have improved our health dramatically and dropped to our ideal weights without even trying.

    But yeah, I love to make homemade bread, too!
