Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Hopes, Dreams & visions

Well I am still having net issues so we are not posting any pictures anytime soon. However I am still going to try to keep posting. Even if I find blogs without pictures lacking some.

Today I have spent the day dreaming.

There is a little town not far from where my husband's job is that has many victorian homes in need of some pretty major repairs. These homes are for sale for very little. There are actually houses with some great 'bones' for sale for as little as 9,000.00! I found one home that I simply fell in love with. It is called the Smith House. It is in need of some fairly major repairs but O my she could sure be shined up and made beautiful!

I have never made it a secret that I have dreamed of owning and running a Bed & Breakfast. If I could possibly swing a loan and get this house that I am so in love with AND we did a whole ton of the work ourselves I could own my piece of history. The Smith house would be a perfect conversion because it was already at one point converted to an apartment building. So there are already multiple bathrooms in the house. It could easily be transformed back to a single family home. The lot is large enough to have a beautiful rich garden.

So as you can see I have already started dreaming. I do this a lot when I see a fantastic old home. I seem to be drawn to them like moths to flames. I can not seem to get enough of them. I long to live in one again. I grew up in a beautiful victorian home as a child, until my parents moved us out of the city and into the woods. I love the beauty of nature but still long to live in an old home. I long to live in a beautiful home where I can invite people in to admire the work I have done restoring it. I long to feed people my lovely home made dishes and I long to do it sooner rather then later in this life.

I can envision my home and its always a big house with a wrap around porch and gabled roofs. One day She will come to me, My lovely dream home. One day I will own her.

It is important to dream. It is important to set that goal in your life and have it there. It is even more important to take out that dream, dust it off and look at it again. Does it still fit your life? is it still what you long for? If so live in it for a moment and then continue to dream.

Until tomorrows post...

Have a fantastic day Dreaming!

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