Friday, November 5, 2010

Trying to find balance

In my life I try really hard to have a balance in all the things I do. Since starting school that has been really difficult for me to achieve. I want to do well in school. I have never gone to college before and honestly I hated school when I was a kid. That was one of my many deciding factors in my drive to homeschool my kids. It feels like I do not have enough time to do the things I want to do, let alone all the things I need to do. I am only taking 2 courses online at the college. The online factor has been great. I love that I can either watch classes on the tv or online after the class has been on. I however have a major project that I am supposed to do in one of those classes and I have not even come close to finishing it. I have to interview someone for this and I have not been able to find anyone to interview. Of course this is mostly do to the fact that I am home so much and none of the people I know fall into the category that I need for the interviewee. I find that at the times that I am trying to work with the kids for their school I am thinking about all the things I still have to do for mine. Or when I should be relaxing I am worrying that I am not teaching the kids enough and their schooling is so important. I do not feel like I have enough time in the day and a lot of things are falling by the wayside. The laundry is piling up, the floors need a good cleaning, the dogs all need baths (again!) and well I am certain that my kids are missing far to much of me.

How do you balance homeschooling, going to college, taking care of a house & family, and play time? I have not found this balance yet. Something may have to give.... I just don't know what!


  1. I did college for just over two years and never found the balance. If I did well in my college courses, the kids and house suffered. If I tended my family well, my grades suffered. I decided to invest my time where it is needed and stick with home for now.

    I am actually just over the 1/2 way point with my B.A. I may go back to school at some point, but I doubt it will be any time soon...

  2. ahh Becky! I am afraid that school is going to have to wait. I just don't know how to do it all and keep up my #1 job which is, has always been, and will be until they are no longer under my roof my children. I am relieved to know that I am in fact intelligent enough to be doing so well in college but I do not think I will have the ability to continue with school even part time. I only took 2 courses because I thought it would not be to demanding on me but really it is kind of overwhelming.

  3. As moms, especially homeschooling ones, we will probably never feel like there is a balance. And I'm not even taking college courses! Whenever I get ahead in planning school work or getting a particular in depth subject done with the kids, something gets left out - dinner, dishes, laundry. When I take the time to catch up on chores, I feel like I didn't spend enough time with the kids! And when I get everything done, I don't get enough sleep. I think we are all in the same boat:)
